theres nothing like pure revenge going public...
+*. Special Ed .*+
theres nothing like pure revenge going public...
+*. Special Ed .*+
that was good! very well presented!
+*. Special Ed .*+
Great... EST!
This Video is his best yet, with a combo of all the elements that make a movie enjoyable! comedy, good art, and a slight relation to the real world!
Ed Sebele
Once Again...
Once again, Adam Philip never ceases to amaze me! The work put into his animations are great! I already have HIGH expectations for his next video!
Ed Sebele
I'm a 3-D Modeling student with a powerful computer and very little free time. If I ever add something to Newgrounds it means I'm goofing off.
Age 33, Male
Student (MAG)
Art Institute of Vancouver
Joined on 4/11/07