definitely didn't make good use of the left hand*... the later part wasn't bad but you waited too long to get it going, I almost left*.
Is it just my ears, or is the last chord slightly off? I could have sworn it was a happier sound. If you used a midi for reference or sheet music as a start, make sure you didn't miss a sharp or a natural. I've had that happen before! If you didn't use sheet music, then maybe get your hands on some and double check. However I might be mistaken, I know there's a lot of sounds in an orchestra that are masterfully arranged to play with your ears. So maybe it's just caused by the transition to singling it out on one instrument.
Which brings me to my next point, "schnoppomopperbopper"*, if you were expecting the feeling/emotion of a one person instrument to be equal to a 20+ person instrument, you've got high expectations for Newgrounds' composers! I'd love to hear a piano piece with the feeling of a whole orchestra! But yes, this version didn't stay true to the original name. With this kind of song, attention to the name, and the story being told is very important!
Anywho, I'm late for an appointment now ~_~, good job overall! Is this a recording or a very well processed VST? Either way, Newgrounds needs more piano!
+*. Special Ed .*+
* that's what she said