Kirby music...
Thats what I love about Kirby music, it always seems like they put SO much work in to the sound track. That or they hired a really amazing composer to do it. Like one of those guys who can compose a song, with how someone looks or a life story, as it's presented to them, and it matches and your like "Woah, man! It does look,,, I mean sound... or.. ya..., like the story or how they look!". Ya, they probably just showed one of those guys a sprite sheet of Kirby and he wrote the whole sound track in like five minutes...
Now for the actual review that isn't hindered by my love for the kirby sound track or game...
Well done on the instrument choice, and you managed to keep the same style sound the whole way through. Good variety in the repeating of the chorus, and the changing around of notes. Something I've decided to start doing is including my score of how many times I've listened to it before getting annoyed while reviewing. I'd say this is a pretty good start!
+*. Special Ed .*+
Score: 5/5 : 10/10
Listened: (}{) (infinity)