despite the amaturish art and oddly loose story it actually entertained me for the whole thing. And I don't even like real manga made by real Japanese artists... no wait... that might nullify the value of my opinion...
despite the amaturish art and oddly loose story it actually entertained me for the whole thing. And I don't even like real manga made by real Japanese artists... no wait... that might nullify the value of my opinion...
normally people on here that like the subject that the video is based off of will vote higher because of it. I actually found myself kind of offended... ~_~ I was a bit confused because the dragon was just toothless with no tail 'fins', red eyes and glowing stripes. I'm sure you meant well, I just couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a tribute to the movie, or something else I've never heard of.
Please be aware I also rate everything on this site in comparison to Adam Phillip's "The Yu-Yu".
CREDIT JOHN POWELL for goodness steaks!
Now I'm even more scared!
People keep telling me to watch this show, and I don't get it! I know one of the storyboard artists, and he doesn't get it either! It feels wrong just seeing a picture of the show... ~_~ can't tell if I'm resisting poison or antidote...
funny video though, good idea to zoom through the stages again at the end!
not bad
I didn't give you any points for concept, as this is just a personal re-write of an already existing idea (and yes I read the description). And I just realized I don't feel right commenting on whats left after the concept, which is just your personal history with someone. Now this feels kinda awkward... Well, it had a few entertaining bits that probably everyone can relate to.
Not bad
It's pretty good, a lot of good jokes, some followed by one that made me feel stupid for laughing. If there isn't yet (I've missed it in the past) add a time slider or scene select.
But now the question I really want to ask, who made that remix of Hero of Time at the end?! I tried looking for it as the credits played but they went by so fast, and it's such a long video to watch through again just for the credits, you know?
+*. Special-Ed .*+
It's cool and all...
I'm a 3-D modeling student in Vancouver, and it's kinda random that I happened upon this here. I'm wondering, why Flash? And the flash portal? There are tons of sites built for sharing 3d models and other art, or does this have something to do with Flash. I've heard the newer versions can accommodate 3D...
As for the texturing, it's kinda hard to tell, I think the lighting needs more work. Is that a directional light, and how many lights are there? Turn on raytracing and final gathering, center the turntable, and that in itself should increase the quality. Maybe fill the space at the sides with the texture page and UV snapshot.
It was so long ago, but I don't remember the bugs being so colourful... That might have just been the lighting as well...
Still cool though, you should try modeling too, it feels good to show off work without having to credit anyone!
+*. Special Ed .*+
(Ed Sebele)
Thanks for the input, i knew i needed to do better lighting and later realized to center the project. The reason for the flash is to see what limits i had putting 3d into flash. And i decided to post my small result here. if you would like to see more of my 3D stuff check out my deviant art page, its under the same name.
Thanks again for the review and i agree with all the stuff you said.
It's not bad, but there isn't enough of anything for it to be called good either. I'm trying to figure out what the punch noise is between when he knocks down the first guy and starts on the second guy.
Okay. :F
... T_T
lols can not describe how hard I laughed at this. Now my room mates think I'm weird because I just started balling my eyes out and hyper-ventilating after about 3 hours of complete silence... I laughed harder and harder until the pain got serious enough for the situation to stop seeming funny...
Ooooh boy, I don't know how you do it...
+*. Special-Ed .*+
meh, cool...
You should have made them have a 'supersonic wake'! Plus, he would have glided off the waterfall, maybe gone at least 200 feet...
Love it, but it needs a scene selection, or a navigation bar.
It has a scene selection. No navigation bar though.
I'm a 3-D Modeling student with a powerful computer and very little free time. If I ever add something to Newgrounds it means I'm goofing off.
Age 33, Male
Student (MAG)
Art Institute of Vancouver
Joined on 4/11/07